~Author Unknown
On this day three years ago, my family lost a very special women...Mama Zoila. She was many things to many people. But to me she was sweet and kind and loving. Today I was reminded of the way she smelled. That fresh scent that no matter how many candles or perfumes I experience I can never find that smell anywhere. I thought of how she kept her nails long, pointed and always painted. (I think this is why I like to do my nails now). How she always wore her flower printed dresses no matter what day it was. I have memories of the way her room looked and all of the pictures she had of her children and grandchildren hanging on the walls. The way she did my hair when I was a little girl. Always in braids!
So many memories of us going out to run errands and catching the bus around the city. And she would always buy me something nice to take back home with me. I miss these days the most! Even though she had more grandchildren than we can count haha..she always treated each one of us with the same amount of love!
I miss the days she would cook for us. It may have not been anything special at the time but I now realized that the warm bowel of beans was her way of showing us that she cared! I can remember it like it was yesterday...as she cooked she danced to music coming from the little radio in the kitchen.
Although Mama Zoila is gone she is only a thought away. I will miss her forever but I will never forget her. I will always love her!
awww KIM u made me tear up . I sure remember her too... how she would wear her beanie on her head when she would go to sleep.Her tortillias hand made siempre with beans. She told me one time that she loved how me,cynthia and tony called her abuelita zoila i think cus' everyone else called her MAMA Zoila.But yes she did love each and every one of us the same. She was funny too.. the things she would say, i know now that our mothers get their humor from her and we sure got our PAPA PACO's nose =) This was great to read. They both are missed alot RIP Abuelita y Abuelito!