Kimmie O's Nail Mania

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Windy Weather

Today was one of those extremely windy days. One of those days where its too cold to go outside, so you try to find everything and anything to do indoors to keep yourself from going crazy. haha It was so windy I thought my wind chime was going to brake my window. hahaha Since I am on my winter break from school I have lots of time on my hands because it's not filled with books!
So what did I do all day long, you ask?
  • Cleaned my house
  • watched T.V.
  • played PSP with my son
  • browsed the internet A LOT!
This is when I realized, I need a hobby. hahaha I do pencil drawings a little bit. I mean I never finish any drawings that I start, BUT it is something I call a "hobby." Maybe I'll take up knitting...

Do any of you have something you do in your spare time? Tell me about it in a comment below.
With all the time in the world...Kim

1 comment:

  1. Lol. Did u read my first blog i did today ?
